ECMS FTO is a family-driven organization designed to strengthen and support the school community. The goals of our organization include but are not limited to the following:
- Support, partner with, and champion our school and the school’s mission
- Build community among families via the sharing of resources, culture, and collective action
- Facilitate family participation, communication, and connection in school life
- Collaborate among, advocate for, and represent families and teachers
- Strengthen the Anti-Bias Anti-Racist (ABAR) Montessori curriculum
- Create opportunities for our community to learn, communicate, socialize, and grow
The “members” of the FTO include all ECMS families and staff. We encourage all members to attend our regular meetings and events.
The FTO Leadership (nominated and elected) consists of the following positions: President, VP of Events (2), VP of Communications, Secretary, and Treasurer. Role descriptions can be found in Article V of the ECMS Bylaws.
Additionally, every classroom is represented by a Family Organizer (1-2/classroom) (nominated by self or another and selected). See this page to learn more about the role of Family Organizers. Meetings take place virtually the first Monday of every month at 8pm. Reach out to your Family Organizer for the link!
Family volunteers can help out any time – by donating books for our library, helping repair/build classroom materials, filling in at the front desk, helping plan a monthly FTO event, or anything you notice that could benefit from your skills. Reach out any time to to learn more and/or support our work! All are welcome!